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Gotthard Base Tunnel is now the world longest tunnel that took around some seventeen years to build that took 9 lives in the process. Here are just a few stats on the train.

Operating speed - up to 250 km/h (160 mph)
Highest elevation 549 m (1,801 ft)
Lowest elevation 312 m (1,024 ft) (south portal)
Length 151.840 km (94.349 mi)
Track length 57.104 km (35.483 mi) (east tunnel) 57.017 km (35.429 mi) (west tunnel)

Just several days ago after the completion of the tunnel, a great and very large celebration took place within a ceremony. This was no ordinary ceremony but it was one right out of a Hollywood movie. The ceremony was so bizarre that the whole world is talking about it. Why was it so bizarre? Well it's because of the demonic undertone of it all.

Now I will try to describe it the best way I can. I believe it was a two part or multi level celebration. One was underground and the other was ground level. There was these people just marching in this tunnel with orange workman uniforms. Men and women of different ages. They look to be on a mission. Then on ground level you have this huge stage with a giant screen hanging in the backdrop. There were three people just hanging from cables with white garments on. On the stage you have these people dancing and twirling around with animal like moves and costumes. There is someone in the middle of the stage that appears to be one of the fallen angels.

On each side of this stage you have like 10 or maybe 15 people blowing the shofar. There appeared in the back was Lucifer or the Baphomet with what appears to be a rams head with curled horns on each side. It sounds like the strange creatures on stage are yelling and being tormented. There are people in black walking unto the stage like zombies.

Now underground you have the marchers also in a zombie like state and I tell you, it's so demonic. Over the tunnel area there is some type of screen projection showing the rocks falling from the mountains where the tunnel was being constructed. A train car starts to make its way through the tunnel with many riding it. The men are in their underwear and the women are wearing bra and panties! The moves that are being played out looks sexual. There is another box car train where a man with all black on has a huge long chain in his hand while beating on each side of the inside of the train. There is a fallen angel on the train lifting its wings up and down.

While on lookers who are sitting in the side bleachers are observing, there is a woman with a mask on, full covered helmet and topless hanging from the ceiling by chains. She has tall white wings looking as everyone on the ground is flipping and doing some sort of demonic move. There are many people on the ground covered in hay while rolling around on the ground. There appears to be another woman hanging from the ceiling. The Baphomet is dancing around while others are walking like zombies holding what looks like branches in their hands.

The people on the ground level are dressed in orange mining uniforms with hard hats. The giant screen shows Lucifer coming out of the rocks which is really demonic. The workers decided to strip down to their underwear. The guys appear to be erect while moving around with these women. The workers had to dig through 73 different kinds of rocks in order to build this tunnel.

So the folk tale that's behind this is that the towns people made a deal with the devil. They asked the devil to build the bridge because they couldn't do it by themselves. Satan said yes but under one condition. You have to give me the first soul who walks across the bridge. Now the towns people tricked the devil by sending a goat across the bridge instead of a human. When the devil saw that it was a goat, he became very angry and killed the goat. Then he picked up a very large rock and was going to destroy the bridge with it. Now one of the towns people saw that the devil was holding this rock. He was a follower of Christ and drew a cross on the rock. Once this happened, the devil was no longer able to handle the rock to throw it to destroy the bridge. He decided to flee and was gone every sense.

The devil is on stage with his goat outfit on with horns on head. On the back screen there is a transposed image of Satan. You can hear the evil laugh coming from the devil. There hangs three beetle looking people suspended in mid air. They are called Egyptian Scarubs. Lucifer can be seen in the back watching his people while others on stage are rolling around. It appears that Satan has captured one of the demonic spirits. On the back of the screen are many seeing eyes rotating. It looks very demonic.

Some point during this ceremony, Lucifer dies and then gets resurrected. One woman appears to be placing a white sheet over him. I watched him behind this woman what looked to me like he was groping her.

The question arises, what is the whole point of this demonic ceremony? Are they trying to release Satan to come up on the earth. But then he's already roaming about the earth right? It seems that these people are clearly sending a message to Satan to come into their world. You can know that by watching them bow down and appear to be worshiping Satan on stage. Everyone was in full zombie like state. They were marching around like they had blank souls. This is how I believe it will be during tribulation and at the full implementation of the new world order. When they accept the mark of the beast 666 via chip/barcode or whatever, they will no longer belong to God but they will be under the complete control of Satan.

Revelation 13:16-18

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.